Rain garden filled with grasses and grass like plants
Plants that don’t mind getting their feet wet that are also drought tolerant are perfect choices for a rain garden.
Cobble swale with bridge stone
This cobble swale on contour directs and infiltrates storm water over a 1/4 acre.

Hillside Rain Garden
filled with beautiful, climate appropriate, drought tolerant plants

Water wise meadow
This beautiful, low water use meadow replaced an expanse of dried out high water use turf.

Natural Stone Staircase and Retaining Wall
This natural stone staircase and retaining wall were finished first. Plants are placed, ready to plant, complete with gopher baskets.

Front yard rain garden
Those yellow Protea really pop! And the rest of the yard doesn’t look too shabby either!

Constructed Vernal Pool Meadow in the rain
We constructed this rain feature to fill up during the rains, and to create a meadow during the dry months of the year. This photo was taken the first year after it was put in.

Soft colors in a downtown rain garden
Grasses and other drought tolerant plants create a soft and sweet feel to this downtown rain garden.

Downspout diverted into cobbled swale
…that leads into a rain garden in this small front yard.

Typical Laundry to Landscape plumbing next to the washer
The discharge hose from the washer connects to the three-way valve where you can select to send water to the landscape or sewer.

Storm water management down an orchard hillside
We created a series of cobbled kettles and conveyances to direct and infiltrate rainwater in this orchard.

Water wise meddow 4 years old
This meadow borders a rainwater harvesting constructed creekbed that flows every rainy season and keep storm water away from the house and low areas in the landscape.

Cobbled kettle rain feature has a natural look
Rocks were placed at careful elevations to influence water flow and infiltration in this natural looking rain feature.
Flagstone patio
This flagstone patio was an early project of the cooperative.

Diverting stormwater into a citrus orchard
We used a concrete catch basin, placed in an exact position, to capture and divert stormwater rushing along this stream-like drainage swale, to feed citrus trees in a nearby orchard.

Flowers fill the rain garden
Native seeds were scattered throughout this rain garden/ food forest also watered with a Laundry to Landscape greywater system- for a delightful effect!

Elegant Cobble storm water feature
ReGen created an artistic answer to the problem of storm water pooling in front of the entrance to a lovely home. The storm water is now safely diverted around the side of the house.

Commercial property landscape redo
ReGen redid both the hardscape and landscape in this commercial building to create a beautiful, low water and low maintenance environment.
Installing a 1350 gal rain tank
This tank had to be partially buried in order to fit into the landscape, and to preserve as much vegetation around it as possible.

Zuni Bowl
This Zuni bowl is in the midst of construction. It will provide a place of deep infiltration for storm water that will then continue to run down the cobbled earthworks to the next Zuni bowl.

Snaking a greywater line through a flagstone patio
We covered the line with DG and it functions great with no impact on the aesthetics of the landscape.